2017 New Years Resolution for you Car


2017 is here and we are ready to start making the adequate changes, and resolutions that we have set for the beginning of the year. I know that having a resolution for your vehicle is not the same as dieting, or loosing weight. But if you really think about it, you Car plays a major role in your day-to-day life like getting you to work, the kids to school, and Tyson to the vet when he eats your cell phone.

1. Keep the interior clean

Nobody like a messy car. Make sure to always pick up after yourself, the kids, family members. Keeping your car clean will also help you maintaining your paint job and the interior of the vehicle. Also, be surety do frequent car washes to also keep the paint job in good condition.

2.  Basic Maintenance

Heading to your local maintenance shop for you car can sometimes be a headache with setting appointments, and the money that you can be spending. Let’s learn how to do it yourself! You can always start with something small, like learning how to change your own oil, or even how to change your tires if one of them has a whole, or even pops.

3. Be a Courteous Driver

This new year let’s make an effort to be a more courteous driver. We know that after a long day of work, or even not having enough sleep can be a factor in having road rage. By being more patient with your fellow drivers, we can avoid road rage and potential accidents that happen when you are not paying attention to the road. By doing that we can avoid focusing on what other people are doing around you, and focusing on getting from pointA to point B.

4. Quit texting and Driving

This 2017 let’s be a much more safe driver, and not send that text behind the wheel that can clearly wait. There have been many car accidents due to texting and driving. If we make it a habit to not pull out the cell phone while being behind the wheel we will instantly become a safer driver, not only for ourselves, but for others.


Denver’s Top 10 restaurants 2016


Denver’s restaurant scene has been one of the most diverse by far. 2016 has knocked some restaurants off their maintained spots, but thankfully not of the roster. In search of something casual, laid-back, something quiet with a suit and tie, or something mixed up with all the above? Well have we go whats best for you on this 2016 Denver Scene Restaurant list!


  1. Hop Alley

Tommy Lee has done it again with the un-ordinary Chinese American cuisine! He has come far beyond the regular mu shu pork and kung pay chicken, and has re invented the wheel with the intense flavors such as—peanut-y bang bang sauce on the chilled tofu, umami-rich oyster sauce on the Shanghai rice cakes, tongue-numbing Sichuan bean sauce on the steamed eggplant—are as big and bold as Hop Alley’s charcoal black walls, neon pink menus, and lest not forget the great choice of music! But what really sets Lee aside from all the other Chinese-American restaurants is his vibrant and enticing salty-spicy dishes that transcends the eatery’s. This restaurant has really vamped up the underdeveloped RINO area. 3500 Larimer St – 303-379-8340


2. Basta

Kelly Whitaker decided to name his restaurant “Basta”, french for enough, in 2010, for It was a double entendre meant to inspire satisfaction and, almost more important, simplicity. With his effortlessly exquisite taste and great selection this Boulder restaurant is one to savor. 3601 Arapahoe Ave Boulder 303-997-8775


3. Frascas

Walking into the restaurant you get an marvelous feel of the elegant dining and gracious friendly feeling of traditional Italian Frascas. With a wine selection of over 200, an impeccable wine program, and always best served those who love themselves a glass. You will defiantly feel as if though you have hit Italy straight through the amazing, and beautifully prepared Italian food. 1738 Pearl St., Boulder, 303-442-6966


4. Mercantile

A prepared food and charcuterie market, a full-service bar, and an all-day restaurant. Chef Seidel’s great restaurant is an all day restaurant with a full service bar. Loaded inside the Union Station building, with the great fine dinning and bar feeling all in one. Its an impressive variety of concepts all in one roof. 1701 Wynkoop St. 720-460-3733


5. Acorn

Located in the Rhino are, giving you an industrial feel, as well as the high end, suit and tie. Chef and co-owner Steven Redzikowski’s masterful approach to food its unbelievable great! with the sampling of small plates and share them with the table, comparing and contrasting as you eat. Pairing all the sampling plates along with barman and co-owner Bryan Dayton’s beverage expertise. The Source 3350 Brighton Blvd. 720-542-3721


6. Bar Dough

With a great location in LoHi and the return of C0-Owner and Chef Max MacKissock. with the Menu having a variety, from dishes like Pizza to others on an elevated scale such as their lamb shoulder with charred red onion, puffed grains, and salsa verde. 2227 W. 32nd Ave 720-668-8506.


7. Cholon

A new York Chef Lon Symensma re-located to Denver to bring a new modern Southeast Asian cuisine. Dishes such as, tandoori lamb chops with caramelized yogurt and biryani, or the okonomiyaki-esque dancing scallops with a sweet corn pancake and bonito flakes that ripple in the steam, are ones that are at the top of many lists. He loves to bring us that tasty far away land flavors mixed in with the colorado taste. 1555 Blake St. 303-353-8223.


8. The Plimoth

Instant fame to the tidy corner restaurant just north of City Park. Chef Ryan and his staff wanted to cook a European-style food they want to eat. Such as: pork rillettes, creative salads that toss together ingredients such as lentils, sunchokes, and lime vinaigrette; roasted rabbit loin. A very enjoyable location with tasty food, what else can you ask for? 2335 E. 28th Ave. 303-297-1215


9. Beast and Bottle

Looking to feel at home or a art of the neighborhood Beast and Bottle makes sure to make you feel right at home! Chef Paul Reilly co-owns Beast & Bottle with his sister Aileen Reilly. Paul makes sure the menu is at tip top shape with meats and fish the team butchers daily in its tiny kitchen. 719 E 17th Ave 303-623-3223.


10. Sushi Ronin

This place has been knocking out local sushi homes out of the roaster. With its well presented and very tasty sushi, lets not forget the delicious handmade deserts. You could either order from the menu, or leave it up to whip-smart chef and co-owner Corey Baker. 2930 Umatilla St. 303-995-8741.