What to do in Denver: Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Walk to End Alzheimer’s

Start Date/Time: Friday, September 20, 2013

End Date/Time: Friday, September 20, 2013

Recurring Event: One time event

Importance: Normal Priority

Location: City ParkDoing Little Things Can Make a BIG difference.  One little thing you can do to make a difference is register for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s and start raising funds today! This Walk is personal for the 72,000 people living with Alzheimer’s in Colorado and the 331,000 people who provide their care.

If you are living with a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, This Walk is personal.

If someone you loved died from this disease, This WALK is personal. 

If you provide care for someone with Alzheimer’s, This WALK is personal. 

If you know someone with Alzheimer’s, This WALK is personal.

The funds you raise in 2013 will go to support education, counseling, and our 24 hour Helpline all offered at no cost to families across the state and to fund research to find a cure.

Do a little thing and make a BIG difference.

Join us and Walk to End Alzheimer’s.

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